sweeping sand

sweeping sand
Desert Housewives: just trying to keep the sand out of the house

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

This is boring

Does anyone else find boredom excruciating? I remember seeing very poor people in Cambodia sitting beside their homes with absolutely nothing to do and I found myself thinking that boredom is perhaps one of the under-rated and unmentioned aspects of poverty. Of course, there’s worse – like not being able to feed your children. But for those who are just getting by, sitting around all day with nothing to do – no job, no money, no opportunities to get around or make something of yourself – must be in itself a terrible burden.
I’ve been thinking a bit about boredom in the last couple of days. I have spent that time waiting in Dubai municipal buildings for people to do mysterious things that cost extraordinary amounts of money – like typing up a form – in pursuit of residential visas for myself and the kids. And I have been literally bored to tears. Boredom is stressful and tiring. I don’t want to sound like a whinger (too late, you cry) but it has been seriously not fun.
So I thought I would put up a couple of videos to cheer up anyone who is having a boring day. Just remember to turn the sound down if you are at work so your boss doesn’t hear.
They are from a recent international night at the kids’ school (which bears the grand name of Raffles World Academy). I don’t know what the mums and dads do for a good night out down your way, but this is how we relax after a long week here in Dubai:

And this one is a corker. It’s long, but stick with it. All I’ll say is that the star of the show is not really the Sufi dancer:

Have an interesting day.


  1. I do not have the patience to be bored. It's just the most frustrating thing ever. My husband says he worries if I ever say I'm feeling bored! And I definitely feel your frustration with how long things like visas can take. My frustrations have been similar but different as we struggle with infertility, the unknown and then the prospect of adoption. I hope it all comes together for you soon :)

  2. Hi Vanisha, glad to hear there is someone else's husband who worries when his wife is bored! My hopes ad prayers are with you for adoption - people close to us have been through the same thing. Hang in there.
